
Missouri Goes Green With New Energy Investments

Missouri is going green with new investment in wind and solar energy generation, and a growing energy solutions workforce. Ameren Missouri recently announced its plan to dramatically increase the amount of ... Read More

Missouri Governor Outlines Future Of Economic Growth In State

At the Governor’s Conference on Economic Development, Missouri Governor Eric Greitens announced several initiatives to strengthen the state’s economy and help spur job creation for Missouri families. “It’s time for Missouri ... Read More

Missouri Is THE Center Of Innovation

Missouri is THE center of innovation. The UMKC Innovation Center in Kansas City, Missouri Innovation Center in Columbia, and the Cortex Innovation Community in St. Louis are just some of the ... Read More

Missouri In 2017: A Year Of Change, A Year Of Growth

Missouri, the U.S. and the world have seen a lot of change this year. Missouri swore in a new governor, the U.S. swore in a new president, and important votes took ... Read More

Inc.: Missouri Is A Great Place To Grow Your Business

Missouri is a great place for business, according to the article “5 Reasons a Move to the Midwest Might Be Good for Your Business” on And Missouri’s global agtech leadership ... Read More

10 Months in Missouri = 3,400+ Jobs, $185M+ in Payroll, & $545M+ Invested

Missouri Partnership is tasked with one goal—attracting companies from around the world to invest in Missouri. Companies that create jobs, pay salaries and grow Missouri’s economy. These companies cut across our ... Read More

Missouri Company Leading the World in Next Gen Battery Development

Right now, Missouri is tooling around the surface of Mars. And, the Mars mission could not happen without the empowerment of Missouri. Curious? Or should we say, Curiosity? Because NASA’s Mars ... Read More

Missouri’s Energy Solutions Industry Powers The World & Beyond

NASA’s space program, including the Curiosity rover currently driving across Mars wouldn’t be possible without Missouri? It’s true. Missouri-made batteries provide NASA the power it needs to explore in space. Missouri ... Read More

Building A Better Silicon Valley

Missouri is attracting and producing world-class talent, cultivating innovation districts across the state, and becoming a major hub for startups and entrepreneurs. For years Missouri has quietly been moving away from ... Read More

CNN Highlights Missouri Cities For Growth, Innovation

For more than 200 years, cities across Missouri have been centers of industry and innovation, and today is no different. CNN recently released an article highlighting the Missouri cities of Kansas ... Read More