Missouri Farmers Care Supports Future Growth Of Ag Communities Through Agri-ready County Designation Program

Agriculture is a cornerstone of Missouri’s economy, contributing nearly $94 billion annually and providing employment for hundreds of thousands of residents. In 2015, Missouri Farmers Care, an organization dedicated to advocating for farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses in the state, launched the Agri-Ready County Designation to enhance opportunities in counties focused on growing farming and agriculture. 

Counties that receive Agri-Ready County Designation gain partners across Missouri agriculture that will work with county leaders to advance local agriculture enterprise, help implement Ag Ed on the Move, which brings agriculture education into the classroom, and marketing support via promotional videos and social media. 

The leadership of Agri-Designated Counties have attested to their willingness to welcome new agricultural businesses and that they do not have regulations in place that would damper opportunity for new agricultural operations, farms, ranches or agribusinesses. The 73 counties across Missouri which have earned the Agri-Ready County Designation are open for business!

 Agri-Ready counties span the state, from the agricultural heartland of northern Missouri, to the southwestern region known for cattle ranching, through the Ozark Highlands, to the fertile delta soils of Missouri’s Bootheel. Each of these counties showcases a unique aspect of Missouri’s agricultural diversity, including crops, livestock and agricultural processing.

Missouri Farmers Care is a joint effort by Missouri’s farming and agriculture community to stand together for the men and women who provide the food and jobs on which our communities depend. The not for profit coalition was formed by more than forty agricultural businesses and organizations to support Missouri’s farming and agriculture community and promote the continued growth of Missouri agriculture and rural communities. 

Learn more about Missouri’s unique food and ag industry.