Site Selection: Town & Gown Fuels Columbia’s Mission

When you are the host city to the state’s flagship university, employers tend to pay close attention to your labor pool. Such is the case in Columbia, Missouri, according to a new article by the Site Selection team.

Columbia is a city of 120,000 people in a county of 175,000 residents in Central Missouri, and is home to the University of Missouri and a plethora of expanding companies.

The Site Selection team recently caught up with Bernie Andrews, executive vice president of Regional Economic Development Inc. Columbia (REDI) and the 2017 Missouri Professional Economic Developer of the Year, and asked him a few questions.

Check out the full article here to see what he had to say.

For more information on why Missouri could be a prime location to launch or grow your business, contact Steve Johnson, CEO of Missouri Partnership, at 314.725.2688 or via our contact form, with any questions you might have, and learn how Missouri Partnership can help with your business expansion and investment needs.

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