Highlighting Missouri’s Strengths in Plastics Manufacturing

Missouri is a strong player in manufacturing, especially in plastics and chemicals. The state ranks 10th in the U.S. for plastics and rubber machinery manufacturing revenue and 10th in the U.S. for the number of organic chemical manufacturing establishments. 

Missouri’s plastics-dependent industries collectively employ a staggering 840,000 people across the state. Missouri’s leading role in the plastics manufacturing industry was recently highlighted in the Business Facilities Magazine article Missouri: A Gateway to Plastic Excellence.

The article credits Missouri’s diverse distribution options and availability of raw materials for making the state a stand out for plastics manufacturing and logistics. Missouri’s strategic location, diverse manufacturing base, and supportive infrastructure make it an attractive place for businesses in various sectors, including plastics, chemicals, and petroleum.

Read the full article here. In the same issue, Business Facilities ranked Missouri second in the nation for Best Corporate Tax Climate and fifth for Customized Workforce Training.