Missouri-based Varsity Tutors Amps Up COVID-19 Program with Help from Four Celebrities

Varsity Tutors, an innovative Missouri-based company and the nation’s leading provider of one-on-one instruction, recently launched a free set of online classes for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The free ... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment for COVID-19 Tested in Missouri

A possible breakthrough treatment for the COVID-19 virus is being tested in Missouri. Scientists at Saint Louis University’s Center for Vaccine Development say the experimental drug remdesivir could offer life-saving treatment ... Read More

Kansas City Companies Take Advantage of World-Class Talent as Missouri Begins to Reopen

Missouri is open for business. That is the message Missouri is telling the world, as today marks the first day of Governor Mike Parson’s “Show Me Strong Recovery” plan, and businesses ... Read More

Missouri, Google Team Up to Develop “Best Practice” PPE Marketplace

Missouri recently launched a new tool developed in partnership with Google to help health care providers connect with Missouri manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (PPE). Expanding reserves of PPE ... Read More

Air Force Utilizes Missouri-Made Product in Fight Against COVID-19

The Air Force is training medical professionals to operate its Missouri-made Transport Isolation System (TIS) to safely transport patients with infectious diseases aboard military aircraft during the COVID-19 pandemic. TIS is ... Read More

Missouri Manufacturer Designs, Donates Innovative UV-Light Sanitizer in COVID-19 Fight

PASCO, an advanced manufacturing company located in Maplewood, Missouri, has designed and donated a UV-light trailer to sanitize protective masks for reuse by health care workers in the fight against COVID-19. ... Read More

Missouri Getting Back to Business Under First Phase of “Show Me Strong Recovery” Plan

On April 27, Missouri Governor Mike Parson announced the first phase of the “Show Me Strong Recovery” Plan outlining how Missouri will reopen economic and social activity following the COVID-19 pandemic. ... Read More

Missouri Companies Shift Focus, Produce Hand Sanitizer in Fight Against COVID-19

Companies across Missouri are stepping up in a big way, retrofitting their current product lines to produce hand sanitizer for the fight against COVID-19. Cosmos Corporation, a pet product manufacturer located ... Read More

Missouri Utilizes Data in Fight Against COVID-19

While most Americans spent December 2019 blissfully unaware of the coronavirus and the approaching pandemic, Enbal Shacham, Director of the Ph.D. in Public Health Studies Program at Saint Louis University’s College for ... Read More

Washington University Announces Chloroquine Trial in Fight Against COVID-19

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, announced that it is launching a clinical trial to investigate the drug chloroquine to treat COVID-19. The trial is one of 20 ... Read More