Business Journals: 5 Key Regions East Coast Companies Should Consider for Talent and Locations

The world as we know it has changed. Remote working is now a proven reality for a large number of companies and that changes the talent and business location algorithms significantly. A company can spread throughout the country with no loss of connectivity, or even hire a single remote worker who has high-speed internet in their home and the wonders of nature outside their front door.

Missouri Northeast

Missouri Northeast stretches from the birthplace of Mark Twain to some of the smartest cities in rural America. It is a globally connected center of manufacturing and food production, located within 500 miles of 80 million potential customers.


You won’t find another region with so many manufacturers of components and containers used in commercial kitchens, dairy farms, laboratories and breweries. More than 30 companies are active in the stainless-steel business in greater Springfield, Missouri. And Springfield’s central location, stable tax climate, affordable cost of doing business, robust talent pipeline and community leadership make the city a top choice.

Kansas City

Kansas City is not in Kansas anymore. Sure, there’s a part of the city in that state, but the economic engine of the region is squarely planted in Missouri. It’s the center of the Animal Health Corridor, the home of the Super Bowl winning Chiefs and World Series winning Royals, and one of the most vital economic hubs in the center of flyover country.

St. Louis

Also making that affordability list is St. Louis. Home to Fortune 500 corporate headquarters and 2.8 million people — the region is a leader in agtech, financial services, health innovation, manufacturing, distribution and defense. Numerous innovation communities are thriving across the region and creating serendipitous collisions that are changing our futures for the better.


Located on Missouri’s southern border with Arkansas, Taney County is home to the world-famous tourist destination — Branson, Missouri. While tourism is the region’s bread and butter, its business acumen should not be underestimated.

Check out the full article from Business Journals here.

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